VPOA Supports Changes To VPD Policies & Procedures
For Immediate Release
October 16, 2023
(707) 644-3913
VPOA Supports Changes to VPD Policies & Procedures
Vallejo, CA – Since the OIR Group published its 45 recommended changes to the Vallejo Police Departments’ policies and procedures almost 5 years ago, the Vallejo Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) supported them and continue to do so today. Chief Ta has implemented many of the recommendations in the short amount of time he has been the Chief, unlike his predecessor. The changes improve the working conditions of all our members while also serving the citizens of Vallejo with a competent, proficient, and ethical workforce that abides to the highest standards in law enforcement.
A component of the recommendations is a labor agreement with the VPOA ensuring competitive wages and benefits. An agreement that retains its current members while also attracting new talent for the challenges that lie ahead. This requires a workplace that recruits and retains their employees, recognizes their value, and respects their role in public service. Unfortunately, a labor agreement featuring competitive wages and attractive benefits has not been a priority. Negotiations have dragged on for 18 months with extended periods of complete unresponsiveness from city leaders. In the meantime, officers have left for neighboring agencies and continue to leave.
A city of 125,000 residents has a paltry 75 police officers in total and calls for service wait for days. A City of this size needs well over 130. The blowback of reform will further play out and if past consent decrees indicate anything it's that only the citizens of Vallejo will be left behind in the process.
The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) was incorporated in 1957. The VPOA is the recognized bargaining unit between all Vallejo Police Officers and the City of Vallejo. Members include all ranks of officers – Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Corporals and Officers. The VPOA does not represent the Chief of Police or the Deputy Police Chiefs. The business function of the VPOA is to protect the collective interests of the members of the Vallejo Police Department and provide benefits to its members. The VPOA is also committed to the safety and security of the citizens of Vallejo and the protection of life and property.
For more information, please visit www.vallejopoa.org