Alarming Rate Of Officers Leaving VPD

As we close out November and forecast the end of 2021, we see that a number of officers have left the Vallejo Police Department in the recent weeks at an unprecedented rate (reminiscent of bankruptcy days). Low staffing continues to surpass what is critical for safety of the public and our officers. Additionally, it severely hampers our ability to provide basic police service. New officers have not been able to pass field training, experienced officers (of all ranks) have left to continue their careers at other Bay Area agencies and officers have retired. While attrition is a normal part of any organization, the years of training and experience that are going to other agencies is alarming. Some other agencies are having challenges recruiting; BUT NOT ALL and retaining officers in Vallejo is problematic. Current staffing is 66% of budgeted positions.

Vallejo natives, bi-lingual and specially trained officers have left.

Let our elected officials know this is not acceptable.

